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  • How to prepare for an interview


    Thorough preparation is essential if you want to increase chances for an interview with a happy ending. The following article brings you an overview of what shouldn’t be omitted and what, on the other hand, should receive our full attention.

  • 4 basic tips for setting up a LinkedIn profile


    With over 400 million members all over the world, Linked In has become one of the most popular social networks in the field of professional networking. Its scale of popularity varies from country to country, however, in recent years it has been gradually on the rise as it brings its users an array of advantages in the form of new contacts, job offers, various online courses, and others.

  • Tips on writing a successful CV


    Whether you enjoy CV writing or not, it surely is worth it to dedicate this activity enough of your treasured time. You can be sure that your effort will pay off in the form of more frequent answers or higher number of interviews. Just try to be in the skin of an HR professional or recruiter for a while. They do not know you personally, have never met you and they should make a decision based only on several sheets of paper. And as only about 30 seconds on average is spent on assessing one CV, it is totally worth it to put extra care into writing THE resume that will stand out.


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